Sunday, August 21, 2011

organize my girly stuff

Since being back in Moscow, I've started to feel like this is really a home to me.  Because of this,  I've started to organize my apartment so that it's more like a home and not just a place I keep my stuff while I live here.  I found these great ideas on Pinterest and also another craft blog that I found.  (Sorry that I cannot give credit where credit is due because I can't remember the name.  I'm sure they're not the first to think of it anyway.)

For my bracelets, I put them on a bottle that I kept.  (by the way, I collect bottles from time to time so this puts some of them to good use.) :)

This summer I finally got some cosmetic brushes.  I've never owed any.  I saw this idea on Pinterest.  The container is a little too big I think but it gets the job done.  I just happened to find it in my apartment not being used.  I like the coffee bean idea.  But I think when I go to Ikea soon, I'm going to look for a large size coffee mug.  I think that would be cuter.  A coffee mug with coffee beans in it to hold my brushes.  :)

I'm also going to try this idea to organize my earrings.  I took this picture off the internet.  When I go to Ikea I'm going to try and find a cute frame.  I've also seen it with lace stapled in behind the frame.  Not sure where I'm going to find lace or wire. We'll see.

I also organized my bookshelf.


  1. Love all of those ideas! How many more years are you going to teach in Moscow? uh-hem like enough time for a visitor.. :)

  2. pretty, pretty. do i see 'love in the time of cholera' on your shelf? did you like it? i had a hard time with it.

  3. Sarah- I think this might be my last year but you really never know. I would love a visitor!!

    Jaclyn- Yes it is but I haven't read it yet. I'll let you know when I get to it! :)


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