Thursday, September 1, 2011

The First Day of School

September 1st is the day of knowledge in Russia.  It is the first day of school EVERY year even if it falls on a Sunday.  The students come to school with flowers and balloons.  They gather on the steps of the school and sing the national anthem and the school song.  Then they release their balloons and start crowding into the school.  Our school is on a small street in the forest outside of Moscow.  Today the street was filled with Land Rovers, Lexuses, Mercedes, and Audis.
The kindergarten did not partake in these festivities.  The kindergarten is, for some reason, not really seen as part of the school.  One day, the whole school has a day off...except the kindergarten.  What???
Instead of the ceremony on the steps, we had a play for the children.  And yes, I was in the play.  I was a puppet named Jamie.  The play had dancing houses and lots of choreography.  I wish I had a video to show you.  The play wasn't a total disaster considering we only practiced twice.  The children liked it.
After that, the children played for a little while and then went home.  Thankfully, I have one student who speaks English.  He is only 3 and speaks English, Russian, and French.  It's really unbelievable.  He was speaking to me in English and then would switch to Russian when he was talking to someone else.  I was so jealous.  :)  I'm really going to enjoy talking to him.  It's nice to have a child that actually understands me.  Today when we were playing he picked up a phone and said, "Let's call the dessert man.  Do you want a dessert?"  It was SO cute.  And what little kid would say that?
At the end of the day, I was tired but excited about the new school year.  And plus, I got these beautiful flowers.  Oh the benefits of being a teacher in Russia....

Practicing for our play in 20 minutes. 

The students just starting to arrive.  Not too many balloons just yet. 


Someone else's flowers...

MY flowers!  :)


  1. !!! Miss you so much...
    I'd like to see that child and talk to him in three languages...
    Kind regards, Kristin
    Wish you all had a great school year!

  2. i'm so jealous of your flowers! I wish someone would give me flowers on my first day of school...and I wish I got a body guard that would stand off to the side with his hand up to his ear in a ill-fitted suit coat! I love this picture of the outside of the school. Don't think I've seen that view before and now I can picture more of your world. love you bean -- shoe glue

  3. Cool, Kristin!! Again, I am excited for you. I would love to get all those flowers! I wish I could've seen your play. Did it beat the Mrs. Clause play?? :)


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